
What Is The Simplest Animal With A Brain


Stefan Siebert and Charles David

The firing of every neuron in an animal's torso has been recorded, live. The breakthrough in imaging the nervous system of a hydra – a tiny, transparent beast related to jellyfish – as information technology twitches and moves has provided insights into how such simple animals control their behaviour.

Similar techniques might one day aid us get a deeper understanding of how our own brains work. "This could be important not simply for the homo brain merely for neuroscience in full general," says Rafael Yuste at Columbia University in New York City.

Instead of a brain, hydra have the most basic nervous organization in nature, a nerve net in which neurons spread throughout its body. Notwithstanding, researchers notwithstanding know almost zilch well-nigh how the hydra's few grand neurons interact to create behaviour.


To notice out, Yuste and colleague Christophe Dupre genetically modified hydra so that their neurons glowed in the presence of calcium. Since calcium ions rising in concentration when neurons are active and fire a signal, Yuste and Dupre were able to relate behaviour to  activity in glowing circuits of neurons.

For example, a excursion that seems to be involved in digestion in the hydra'southward stomach-like cavity became active whenever the animal opened its mouth to feed. This excursion may be an ancestor of our gut nervous system, the pair suggest.

Neural lawmaking

A 2nd excursion fires when the hydra contracts its trunk into a brawl to hide from predators. A third seems to sense calorie-free and may help allow the beast know when to swallow – despite being blind, hydra need light to hunt and they do more than of this in the morning.

The team found that no neuron was a member of more than one excursion. This suggests the animal has evolved singled-out networks for each reflex – a primitive arrangement, much less complex than our own interconnected nervous systems.

Nevertheless, the hydra is the start step towards breaking the neural code – the way that neural action determines behaviour, says Yuste. "Hydra accept the simplest 'brain' in the history of the globe, then nosotros might have a shot at agreement those commencement and so applying those lessons to more complicated brains," he says.

Yuste hopes that seeing how the circuits piece of work in real time might lead to new insights into the human brain and tell us more near mental illnesses such equally schizophrenia, for case. "We cannot cure patients until nosotros know how the system works," he says.

Yuste was i of several neuroscientists, including George Church at Harvard University, who launched the Brain Activeness Map Project in 2012. It was a rallying cry to neuroscientists, calling on them to record the activeness of every neuron in the human being brain. The project forms the key plank of the billion-dollar Brain Initiative launched by President Obama's assistants in 2013.

Aha moment

The hydra is at present the first fauna to have one of these maps created for the whole torso, although the activity of the whole brains of zebrafish have also been mapped in a like mode. The piece of work is an "crawly milestone worth celebrating", says Church. Merely scaling this up to rodents or primates will be very challenging, he says.

Dale Purves, a neuroscientist at the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences, North Carolina, doubts if the animal will prove useful for understanding ourselves. "You lot accept to inquire: is this an animal that's going to join the fruit fly, worm and mouse as a model organism to look at in the quest to better sympathise the nervous system?" he says. "My answer would unfortunately exist no."

But Yuste is now collaborating with 7 other teams to decipher the hydra's neural code. They desire to become such a consummate understanding of the way its neurons fire that they can use a computational model to predict its behaviour just from its neural activity.

"I of our dreams is to get to the signal in neuroscience that genetics got to when they figured out the DNA double helix," says Yuste. While some have suggested that the brain is also complicated for that, Yuste is optimistic. "I hope information technology will happen in our lifetime and information technology will exist an aha moment when the jigsaw puzzle comes together," he says.

Journal reference: Current Biology, DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2017.02.049

Read more: "A brief history of the brain"

Our brains followed a twisting path of development through creatures that swam, crawled and walked the earth long earlier we did. Here are a few of these animals, and how they helped make us what nosotros are.


Our single-celled ancestors had sophisticated mechanism for sensing and responding to the environment. Once the first multicellular animals arose, this mechanism was adjusted for prison cell-to-cell advice. Specialised cells that could carry messages using electrical impulses and chemical signals – the starting time nerve cells – arose very early.

The start neurons were probably connected in a diffuse network across the torso of a creature like this hydra. This kind of structure, known as a nervus net, can still be seen in the quivering bodies of jellyfish and sea anemones.


When groups of neurons began to cluster together, information could be processed rather than simply relayed, enabling animals to motion and respond to the environment in ever more sophisticated ways. The about specialised groups of neurons – the first brain-like structure – developed near the oral fissure and archaic eyes.

According to many biologists, this happened in a worm-like animal known every bit the urbilaterian, the ancestor of most living animals including vertebrates, molluscs and insects.

Lamprey brain

More specialised brain regions arose in early on fish, some of which resembled the living lampreys. Their more active, swimming lifestyle led to brain-building pressure to mate, discover food and avoid predators.

Many of these cadre structures are still found in our brains: the optic tectum, involved in tracking moving objects with the eyes; the amygdala, which helps us respond to fearful situations; parts of the limbic system, which gives us feelings of reward and helps to lay down memories; and the basal ganglia, which control patterns of movements.

Amphibian brain

At some point between the first amphibians moving onto dry land and the development of mammals, the neocortex arose – extra layers of neural tissue on the surface of the encephalon. This part of the encephalon subsequently expanded hugely, and is responsible for the complexity and flexibility of the mammals – including us.

But how and when the neocortex first evolved remains a mystery. We can't see an equivalent brain construction in living amphibians, and fossils don't assistance much either: the brains of amphibians and reptiles do not fill their unabridged skull cavity, so the remains of these animals tell united states little about the shape of their brains.

Primitive mammal brain

Mammals' brains grew ever bigger relative to their bodies as they struggled to survive in a earth dominated past dinosaurs.

CT scans of fossil mammals similar to shrews accept revealed that the first region to get pumped up was the olfactory bulb, suggesting that mammals depended heavily on their sense of aroma. The regions of the neocortex that map tactile sensations – probably the ruffling of hair in particular – also got a big boost, which suggests the sense of touch was vital too. These findings fit in beautifully with the thought that the first mammals adopted a nocturnal lifestyle to help them dodge dinosaurs.

Chimpanzee brain

After the demise of the dinosaurs, the ancestors of primates took to the trees. Chasing insects around trees required practiced vision, which led the visual role of the neocortex to expand. The biggest mental challenge for primates, even so, may take been keeping track of their social lives, which might explain the enormous expansion of the frontal regions of the primate neocortex.

These frontal regions also became meliorate connected, both inside themselves, and to other parts of the brain that deal with sensory input and motor control. This all equipped primates to handle more incoming information and come up with smarter means to act on it. One line of primates, the great apes, became particularly brainy.

Human being brain

Researchers used to retrieve that taking to two legs caused the size of human brains to outstrip our primate cousins the orang-utans, gorillas and chimpanzees. However, fossil discoveries show that millions of years after early hominids became bipedal, they still had small brains.

It was only round 2.5 million years ago that our brains began to go bigger. Nosotros nevertheless don't know why, but it'due south possible that a mutation weakened our forbears' jaw muscles and allowed our skulls to aggrandize.

In one case nosotros got smart plenty to develop tools and find a richer diet, a positive feedback effect may take kicked in, leading to farther brain expansion. Plenty of nutrients are essential for a big encephalon, and smart animals have a better chance of finding them.

The overall film is one of an ever-expanding brain, thanks to the interplay between diet, culture, technology, language and genes. That's what brought the modern man brain into existence in Africa by nigh 200,000 years ago. Nevertheless, in the by xv,000 years, the boilerplate size of the human brain relative to our torso has shrunk by iii or iv per cent.

To find out why, and read more than about the evolutionary journey of the brain, read "A cursory history of the brain".

More on these topics:

  • neuroscience
  • brains
  • mental health


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