
Does The Walking Dead Virus Affect Animals



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" You lot all know how this shit works. You get a bite, you get any kind of wound from these things, something from them gets in you... and you f-cking dice.
~ Negan to The Saviors nearly the zombies in Issue 122.

Zombies, also more commonly known as Walkers, are the titular primal antagonists of The Walking Dead franchise.


While not necessarily immortal, reanimated human being beings will non "die" under typical weather condition that would ordinarily cause the death of a living person. They do not appear to experience or respond to pain, can survive even the nearly roughshod injuries, and despite their abysmal ambition for flesh, they practice not need food, water, or slumber to survive.

They show no other bodily function that relates to a human, showing no signs of cocky-healing or response to extreme temperatures. The encephalon maintains limited abilities of the body, allowing for movement of the limbs (provided that they are not decomposed to the indicate where the bones are not strong enough to bend without breaking), jaws, neck, and even the use of its sensory systems. While the walkers are notoriously weaker than humans, the simply way to kill ane is to destroy the brain. Despite severely weakened frames, they will continue to chase for living animals to consume. Fifty-fifty when decapitated, the head will remain agile, even though information technology would exist practically harmless at such signal.

Zombies of "The Walking Dead"

" But to get this on record one time and for all... and it is complicated, I know... hither's how zombification works. Whatever makes people come back as zombies after they dice--it's inside them. It's within everyone. No matter how anybody dies, as long equally the brain is intact... they plough into a zombie. Well... bites, and direct to blood contact with zombie gunk, [...] causes death. It'southward a strong infection that leads to fever that kills someone. And then the "virus" or whatever is already in them... turns them into a zombie.
~ Robert Kirkman in Result 147.

Zombies inside The Walking Dead universe are Robert Kirkman's version of George A. Romero'south Night of the Living Dead zombies. Zombies are relatively weak and unintelligent equally individuals, but are unsafe in big numbers and in tight spaces. They are the main antagonists within the post-apocalyptic world of The Walking Expressionless. The bulk of known humanity has been wiped out by zombies, which have come up to outnumber humans v,000 to 1. Every bit a species, Kirkman's zombies exercise not evolve and are permanently doomed to just deteriorate until there's nothing left merely the skeleton.


Everyone in The Walking Dead universe somehow contracted the pathogen that, for reasons and through ways unknown, brings the dead back to "life." It is unknown how the disease is spread, though its apparently total infection charge per unit worldwide suggests it is either waterborne, airborne, or both. The exact taxonomy of the pathogen is unknown. The pathogen itself does non kill its hosts, simply information technology seems to weaken their allowed systems considerably, to the betoken where fifty-fifty small illnesses are far more than likely to be fatal than normal to humans.


" The rule is Whatever it is that causes the zombies, is something everyone already has. If you stub your toe, go an infection and dice, you turn into a zombie, UNLESS your brain is damaged. If someone shoots you in the caput and you die, you're expressionless. A zombie seize with teeth kills you lot considering of infection, or blood loss, non considering of the zombie "virus".
~ Robert Kirkman

The dead corpse of anyone that dies for any reason will reanimate as a zombie, unless the brain of the individual is badly damaged or destroyed or the person was dead prior to the outbreak. When a person dies, the infection they bear reactivates critical areas of the brain that support necessary vital systems, resulting in downtime. Considering but a portion of the brain is reactivated, the reanimated person retains only a concrete resemblance to their former cocky.

" A expressionless trunk wouldn't become a walker until its body temperature had lowered enough that another walker wouldn't be tempted to bite it. It reaches a very dead corpse land before reanimation occurs.
~ Robert Kirkman

In the Idiot box Series, it was stated that a corpse can reanimate between three minutes and eight hours later on death, though the video game suggests that it could happen in seconds. The outset cases of infection progressed through a land of fever, aches, and internal haemorrhage, and this disease ultimately was fatal. As seen on the MRI of Candace Jenner, the pathogen spreads into the brain like meningitis. It infects synapses, mostly concentrating on those in the encephalon stalk. It eventually causes the adrenal glands to hemorrhage and the brain to shutdown, all brain activeness would cease, followed by the major organs and the torso would be clinically dead: no measurable brain action, no reflexes, and no respiration or pulse. A variable time later on, the pathogen, through some ways, would revive synapses it infected and reactivate the brainstem and other parts of the cerebrum and cerebellum of the expressionless body.


Comic Series

In the comic volume, the group commonly encounters two zombie types: wandering, noise attracted "roamers," and lethargic "lurkers". In the first volume, a lurker is seen eating a deer. It ignores Rick and Shane. In Volume 5, a lurker bites Allen equally he carelessly passes information technology by. In Book ten, Eugene studies a lurker that is too weak to motion, suggesting that after fourth dimension and lack of food, roamers become lurkers that get less alert and active as time passes.

In a recent alphabetic character column, Kirkman promises more hints of zombie physiology, and in a recent column he confirmed that "...whatever is making them walk around is also keeping them from rotting to basic in a matter of weeks." A zombie "lifetime" varies, though it is known that a human being will probable outlive a zombie through the class of many years/decades. The body of the corpses, very probable through the zombie pathogen, manages to avoid firsthand decomposition like regular human being corpses, being able to halt or at least slow down, decomposition for years, if not decades at a time.

Television set Universe

In the testify, information technology has been demonstrated that zombies don't require sustenance by eating, merely have a stiff desire to do so. This is despite the fact that they take no digestive or circulatory activity which makes them unable to digest whatever flesh they consume. Zombies do non need to exhale, evidenced by Pete Dolgen still trying to achieve for humans while underwater. Zombies may very rarely "dodge" melee attacks by leaning out of the manner slightly, and some have been observed holding up their arms to likewise block attacks. Milton Mamet once stated that zombies do starve, but "slower" than humans.

Both Universes

Zombies have the ability to notice scents and can differentiate between the living and the expressionless; they prefer to feed on living flesh. Covering one'south self in the smell of disuse can human activity as a cover-up. They can also use sight to distinguish the living from the expressionless, although they seem to take poor eyesight equally their irises fade and disuse over time. They make up for this with heightened senses of hearing and smell. Darkness seems to have little event on zombies' senses at close range, and in areas devoid of light they can still find their way around every bit they would in the day. Individual zombie strength depends on the concrete makeup of the individual and on how long they have been reanimated.

When attacking, zombies often become more lively, exhibiting total-body endeavor, and can produce enough force to rapidly overwhelm an developed homo. Zombies have been shown to exist able to rip open human and beast victims with ease, and they can fifty-fifty rip off human limbs with enough strength. As zombies decay, however, their muscles, and consequently, their entire trunk, becomes slowly, but surely, weaker. Zombies experience no pain. Although slow and seemingly unintelligent when not active, they tin can react speedily to sufficient stimulation, and can chop-chop overpower a victim they have taken by surprise. Though their bodies are no more or less durable than a not-decomposed human body, they tin can absorb all manner of concrete harm, even when badly decomposed. Anything other than a head attack, spinal cord severing, or dismemberment leaves them seemingly unfazed.

As long as their brain remains intact, everything that is fastened to the encephalon can proceed to function every bit normal, even if only the skull remains and is severed from the body. Other than a mostly intact encephalon, zombies don't appear to crave any vital systems or organ functions to survive, although their ambulatory functions do decrease equally their level of decomposition increases. Sufficient physical damage tin tedious them down, or render them incapacitated. Compared to humans, zombies take rather limited mobility. Unstimulated, zombies stand still, or shuffle around slowly. When in this state they are sometimes referred to every bit "lurkers", equally they can quickly actuate, assault and kill.

Zombies can also be found lying on the ground or in piles of other bodies, and can appear to be dead until stimulated. If they are pursuing a possible victim, zombies can move somewhat more quickly, roughly equivalent to a very light jogging stride. They can too lunge very short distances to grab shut prey. They are difficult to shake off if they do manage to grab their victims, often assuasive their arm to be ripped off before they will begin to permit go.


A reanimated body responds to stimuli such as calorie-free, aroma, and loud noises. Oddly, fifty-fifty if the head is separated from the body, equally long every bit the brain is intact, the caput will all the same attempt to eat anything within reach. The trunk of a zombie does appear to exist truly dead, which means that it does not feel pain, has no reflexes, and wounds to information technology volition not heal; its rate of decomposition slows drastically only does proceed. There is anecdotal prove that some retain vestigial elements of memory and personality and this is shown some repeating beliefs such every bit clinging to possessions, attempting to open doors, and even using big rocks to break through windows and doors.

Zombies though, are incredibly unintelligent and generally unable to utilize tools or understand the need for them. Information technology has been hinted at that newly reanimated corpses retain some basic sense of intellect and possibly retentiveness, and can perform very basic tasks such as opening doors. They have no sense of cocky-preservation other than eating, and volition not react at all to the deaths of other zombies or to potentially lethal dangers to themselves. Zombies instinctively bite whatever prey they come in contact with, but take as well been observed clawing at, tearing, and even punching humans and animals in guild to topple them.


As previously stated, the zombie pathogen itself is not lethal, and the zombie "infection" occurs due to pathogen weakening the host allowed organization. This makes bacteria found in zombies, peculiarly in their mouths, that much more lethal than they normally would. Still, the pathogen has ii separate just parallel modes of infection: latent and fluid contact/bites/scratches *Latent: In the Walking Dead universe, most, if not every, man on the planet is believed to be infected, where the pathogen remains latent or dormant within them. Whatever fourth dimension a human dies they will reanimate, bitten or not, unless their brain is destroyed or severely damaged. *Fluid Contact/Bites/Scratches: Though physical contact with a zombie'due south saliva or blood will not cause an individual fatal infection, any fluid contact with open wounds volition lead to an irreversible contamination of the individual.

Zombie bites are not necessarily fatal because of the zombie pathogen. 1 possible explanation is that, through bites, the pathogen induces a rapid allowed organisation response that accelerates the onset and severity of symptoms acquired by bacteria in the zombie'due south oral fissure. Scratches could crusade similar infections for similar reasons, nonetheless, no one in the comics or TV-show has ever gotten the fever as a effect of a scratch. While zombie scratches and clawing rarely cause fatal infections, the deep gouges left past zombie bites are most ever fatal; death tin can potentially be avoided if the bite is on an appendage, which must so be immediately amputated. However, this does not always piece of work, and bites on the body, or on veins or arteries are always fatal. Even if an amputation proves successful at removing the infection, blood loss is too extremely unsafe due to the generally unprofessional execution of the procedure.

Comic Series

In the comic serial, getting zombie blood, bile, saliva, or any part of the body directly into the blood stream causes infection, fever, and death, equally testify past Negan'due south successful tactic to cover weapons in zombie flesh and guts for one-hit kills.

Television set Universe

Information technology is unclear in the Tv set series whether or non the dominion of infection above from the comic series is applicable. Sasha accidentally cutting Abraham's arm with her zombie-blood soaked knife, yet he survived, indicating that the rules in the television set universe are unlike. This was referenced earlier in the Season ii episode "18 Miles Out", where Shane cuts his own manus with a knife that was previously used to kill a walker, and later wipes his cutting paw on a place which a walker has licked.

Symptoms of infection

Symptoms of the infection includes:

  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Fever/Delirium/Hallucinations
  • Chills
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Pale peel
  • Dilated pupils
  • Soreness
  • Fluid discharge
  • Spontaneous aggression or anger
  • Fainting
  • Loss of hair and missing scalp pieces
  • Dehydration
  • Cough upwardly blood
  • Pale yellow sclera (shown in the videogame only)


Because a zombie is derived from a human form, information technology is limited physically by many of the aforementioned constraints that a man has. But because a zombie is, past definition, dead, it slowly rots and decays similar other dead organisms. Over fourth dimension, mankind and muscles deteriorate, and it becomes less and less formidable. They are only truly killed by destroying the encephalon, a mutual theme in many zombie variations. A severed head will remain animated and ambitious until the encephalon is destroyed or eventually disintegrates from decomposition. Burn has piddling upshot on zombies, other than possibly angering them further, and normally lethal things such every bit acid or electricity besides exercise little to impede them. They can be paralyzed if their spinal cords are severed, though this does not kill them, even if their heads are severed from the bodies.


Though zombies retain a concrete resemblance to the living, cognitive similarities are almost non-real beyond low-level functions, though there are examples of behavior that suggest zombies may retain small fragments of retentiveness of their past lives. Zombies have enough intelligence to walk upright, to utilise their bodies to break objects, and to climb around or over somewhat small obstacles such every bit chain-link fences. Zombies tin arise and descend staircases, albeit very clumsily and slowly. They cannot mostly operate doors or gates and simply effort to do so when they are relatively "fresh"; they tend to bash through obstacles rather than traversing them.

Mostly, zombies are void of any emotional expression and thought. When stimulated, whether by racket, sight of prey, or only encountering a problem they cannot solve, such as beingness unable to open up a locked door, they chop-chop descend into a country of murderous aggression. If they spot casualty when stimulated, they can pursue them ceaselessly, showing ravenous hunger. They are not hunters, yet, and take no concern in alerting their victims or trying to hunt them with intelligence, ever seeming to roar, grunt, and growl whenever they are stimulated.

Zombies seem to be drawn to racket (such every bit that of a gunshot), presumably considering they attribute the source of the noise to be caused by potential victims. Zombies as well tend to class groups and stick together, and mimic the deportment of other zombies, giving them a mob mentality. This can lead to zombies forming "herds," large hordes of zombies are far more than unsafe and aggressive than smaller groups. In "Guts," zombies retain a further animalistic trait within their "herds," appearing to "sniff out" or examine new-coming zombies earlier leaving them exist, as they exercise to Rick and Glenn, which may indicate that zombies seem to exist able to familiarize themselves with their own kind and be cautious of ones they do not recognize. Newer zombies may rarely use primitive tools, such as using a heavy brick to smash a window, but none have whatsoever high-level abilities to use items in their environment.

They lack whatsoever remaining spoken language capabilities, and can only moan, grunt, or wheeze, as well as roar and scream when alerted. Zombies are not shown to be able to "communicate" with other zombies by any means, though they will oftentimes copy the actions they witness other zombies perform, such as bashing on a door or moving in a group, eventually forming a herd. Robert Kirkman wrote on Reddit: ...In the start of the show we saw walkers practice things like using a rock to help fustigate the doors in or turning a door knob, is there a reason we've stopped seeing them practise that? "Older zombies are less together and capable or doing things like that. Fresher zombies, which there were more than of in season 1, are able to do more than older, more rotted zombies..

Eating Habits

Zombies prefer to swallow anything dead or alive: animals and people. Zombies exercise not assimilate food. When their bodies are "total", the undigested meat will exist forced out through the anus. As zombies are dead, their bodies will continue to rot even if they are well-fed. Zombies are never shown in any media to showroom cannibalistic tendencies, even later going through long periods without food, and only testify involvement in animals and living humans.

If the zombie loses the power to feed, they obviously lose the want to practice so — a behavior observed in Michonne's pet Walkers. With their loss of desire for eating besides comes with a loss of aggression and activity; unless present effectually other zombies, those who take lost the will to eat volition remain quiet and lethargic, mindlessly walking in whatever given management and paying no mind to humans. The presence of many zombies being partially consumed or missing limbs likewise indicates that zombies, though they seem perpetually hungry, exercise not e'er devour prey fully, pregnant that, at to the lowest degree for a brusque menstruation of fourth dimension, tin can experience "full" and non want to eat. In the TV serial, the Walker that consumed Lori Grimes' torso was lethargic, sated and full, and did not attack Rick when he arrived on the scene. Still, they can be driven to attack and eat live prey due to the sheer aggression the reanimated contagion seems to have given them.


  • In the TV Series, walkers are shown mainly in "Guts" and "Bloodletting" to run at a very light jogger's pace, despite the fact that Kirkman has stated in the past that all zombies run at the same footstep as those seen in the Romero films.
  • It is possible that the blood of a zombie being consumed directly or indirectly does not touch a human in whatsoever manner. This is shown several times throughout the series.
  • In the flavour five finale of the show, Rick has to push his hands through a walker's throat, causing it to bleed out all over Rick'southward face. If one looks closely, one can see Rick appearing to consume/consume the blood.
    • Another instance is in flavour vi, episode 3, when Rick comes across ii walkers, one of which has a knife stuck in the shoulder. He takes that same knife and accidentally cuts himself with it with the walker's claret visible on it. To this day, Rick hasn't shown any signs of an infection.
    • More than evidence comes from Fear The Walking Dead. During the midseason premiere of season ii, Nick watches from an abandoned passenger vehicle as 2 dogs that recently attacked him get devoured past a swarm of walkers. Afterward the herd slowly moves on, a very hungry and thirsty Nick crawls upwards to the dogs' mangled corpses and takes a chunk of the meat and proceeds to bite it. He never really swallows it simply the fact that the walkers were chewing on the flesh of the dogs and Nick not getting infected may point that consumption has no outcome.
  • In flavor 1 of the TV series, the walkers' eyes were generally gray or xanthous with a cherry limbal ring, but in the season 2 webisodes, "Common cold Storage" and the after episodes of the TV Series, their optics are more often than not gilt. Older and more decayed walkers, however, have mostly or completely faded irises, leaving only dark pupils.
  • According to Robert Kirkman in episode two of Talking Dead, in the world of The Walking Dead, the works of Geroge A. Romero were never made, and thus zombies practice not announced in fiction.
    • Despite this still, there are a few instances in the comics where a grapheme refers to the undead equally "Zombies", ane instance is when Rick Grimes called a Walker a "Zombie" subsequently spotting it while talking to Tyreese soon later on meeting him. Robert Kirkman explained that he legitimately forgot to phone call them anything other than that the few times "Zombie(south)" has been said.
  • In the Webisodes, information technology is rumored that terrorists caused the "infection". This is near likely non true, every bit Kirkman himself never intended to explain the source of the outbreak and thus is just what is a rumor.
    • In the FtWD podcast Fright the Walking Dead: Radio Waves a conspiracy theorist claims to take found proof that the infection was caused by the government every bit a means of population command. How reliable this is, is unknown.
  • Scott Thou. Gimple believes the walkers' decomposable vision attracts them to fire. Burn represents two of the only things walker can still run into: light and movement.
    • In flavour ii, Shane and Otis use flares to distract a group of Walkers while getting medical supplies for Carl.
  • In "Guts", a walker is seen displaying intelligence by using a rock to intermission the glass of a department store in which a group is hiding. Zombies are as well seen climbing fences. The writers of the AMC series say that they agreed on making the zombies of the first season "smart", but for every season since, information technology has been accepted that zombies are unintelligent beings.


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